This was a photo taken of the current room I'm working on, when it was still a living room that i had just cleaned and moved the furniture around in. Nothing was mine. The pea soup green walls, the Grimace purple wall in the back room) and all of the furniture were a decision made before I was around.
After I moved the living room into a different part of the house, I was left with this big empty room and no idea how to utilize it. I'm still not sure what I'm expecting from it, but it is the first room you see when you walk in which was an embarrassment. And the green walls and piles of toys and sewing objects began to drive me nuts.
So this is the result of my Saturday. (I painted and lit the red room, back in July)
I've been going though another wave of domesticity. I constantly find a ned to make my home more homier. Its something I've craved my entire life.
- Between living at home where I was strictly forbidden to paint the walls of our apartment rental or to get furniture that my mom didn't approve of.
- Being on tour where I spent months finding things that I loved and hated about the more chic hotels, and how i would someday apply it to my home when I decided I would no longer consider myself a vagabond.
- Watching tacky domestic shows on TLC about turning one version of an ugly home into a more organized version of an equally hideous home just for the hope of once in a while getting an idea on how to hack a skateboard into a shelf or something that would stimulate my creative mind.
I've been spending the past 2 years slowly turning a dude palace of beer cans, cat urine, and cigarette butts into my dream home filled with lots of light colors, well coordinated book placement, and no cats.
The process seems like it will never be done, but everytime i make a tiny step closer to my end result, i feel better than i could ever imagine.
I get high off it. Redoing a room, getting every knick-knack off of the floor, replacing an overhead light with something softer, then walking into that room and realizing the drastic change makes me feel better than any drug. Unfortunately, it is usually followed by the come down. I think of how the whole house NEEDS to flow, but all i can do is stare at the imperfections, immobile and unmotivated to move forward.
This is usually about the time that i look at interior design blogs and wish that i was living in those rooms, before figuring out how to apply it to my house. these are some rooms I love this week:

1 comment:
you found me, and i found you back!
i've been thinking about you so much since the flickr comment about my new house, and the home we tried to make "less dude," more "homey."
i got all sentimental and thought of a million things i wanted to talk to you about, but flickr just seemed a little to... public.
i get really excited when i see the pictures that you put up of your home improvements. the place looks really awesome. i kinda feel like you're reading my mind with this post though. every tiny improvement feels so perfect, and then i remember the endless "to-do" list i haven't yet tackled. i wonder if it ever feels complete.
you should come to tucson. come visit. i mean that in a for-real kind of way. we can rent a car and drive down to the beach in mexico and talk about silly things like how our un-finished apartments make us feel like fake people.
and then we can get really really drunk.
oh yeah.
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