
Wary Meyers

Wary Meyers Decorative Arts covers many different areas of creativity. Their talents are extreamly wide ranged, as they
  • design furniture for small companys
  • kitchen supplies for Urban Outfitters
  • fancy pea-coats with many buttons
  • pet portraits
  • and they even do interior design. 

The interior design is what really caught my eye, today. Its very 70's yet less naughty looking than a loft from that period.

There is also an element to the interiors that makes me feel like if i had the space and patience, I could affordably do it myself.


reggief said...

I'm in LOVE with that heater

FL Studio 20 said...

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About Me

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Likes to hate things like: The color pink, My Little Pony, ambient music, Coca-Cola products, high waisted everything, cats...all of them, bananas, most female singers, Adult Swim humor, chopping onions, bad parking jobs, sentences that start with 'i had this crazy dream', shimmery makeup, unmade beds, cursive fonts, bleached hair on the crown of black hair, Palin, those strappy jesus shoes, Mac 'genius' bar, responding to my cell phone

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