Yes. I did it. I left the house. And a friend once told me that
unless its documented, its like it never happened. She was very right.
More recently, I was told by another friend that i seem to speak in tongues. I enjoy doing so, if that is, in fact, the case. Less words, more facts. Its a good style, and the combination of photographic documentations and speaking in the bare minimal amount of words needed to get your points across, is a beautiful thing to have the ability to do.
- free empanadas
- free colt 45
- free rides from home to the river
- trapeze artists with feathers for tits
- light hearted drunken co workers
- three bands
- first place alcoholic necklaces
- light snow
- girls dancing in shorts and popcorn
- trading tokens for jack n cokes
- camera battles with a Nikon
- misuse of mittens
- cardboard catastrophes
- sick jellyfish
i will bring glove-ear-muffs into style like white girls with ipods
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